Fad-Diets that Should Not be a Part of Your Health Goal
The world of dieting and fitness is often confusing to many beginners. Every healthy enthusiast starts with goals. But there are often more ‘fad diets’ circulating in the health and wellness industry compared to real diets. No matter what you are eating or not eating, diet without a combination of exercises are not beneficial. Diet also doesn’t mean that you start fasting from your favorite kind of food items. You just need to learn a way to maintain a healthy balance of indulgence. If you are following these diet regimes, consult with your physician. • Low-Carbs Diet: This diet restricts the amount of carbohydrates consumption to very little or less. The primary energy source in a keto diet is derived from healthy fats like white meat, avocado, seeds and nut butters. The portion of carb if at all consumed is very limited. While Ketogenic diet can help in achieving temporary weight loss goals, it is not a healthy diet to be adhered to for long. • Raw Food...