What is the Best Diet for Weight Loss?

The general proverb goes ‘we are what we eat’. But many of us fail to eat what is good, and beneficial to our body. A busy lifestyle can often lead to deficiencies, and malnutrition. In other cases, overeating junk can lead to weight gain. If you want to follow a diet to lose some weight, check in with your physician before following a diet. Always combine some workouts, exercises with a diet. Check out the key features of these diets that can help you:

• Ketogenic Diet:

This diet restricts the amount of carbohydrates consumption to very little or less. The primary energy source in a keto diet is derived from healthy fats like white meat, avocado, seeds and nut butters. The portion of carb if at all consumed is very limited. While Ketogenic diet can help in achieving temporary weight loss goals, it is not a healthy diet to be adhered to for long.

• Weight Watchers’ diet:

This diet is popularized by celebrities, which involves intensive calorie monitoring. You are not allowed to eat anything which is not in the diet plan. This kind of starvation leads to a weak immune system and multiple deficiencies. You can add limited portions of wholesome food grains like quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat, etc.

• Raw Diet

Popular among the vegan community, this diet restricts the intake of cooked food within 118-degree Fahrenheit. It allows you to eat as much you want of any raw and vegetarian food. This diet is extremely risky resulting in multiple nutrition deficiencies. Combine this diet with a wholefood item.

• Body Cleanse diet:

This diet created quite a hype among celebrities, guaranteeing weight loss. It entails you to drink only fresh lemon juice mixed with water for two weeks! Sometimes mild laxatives are also used. Although it is a speedy way to drop a few pounds of water weight, it is not at all a healthy way for weight loss. Don’t attempt this diet, as it can lead to health issues.

• Cabbage Soup diet:

This calorie restrictive diet allows you to eat low calorie soup, preferably cabbage soup. You can eat 500 or 800 calories per day. This diet can adversely affect your metabolism and harm your body. This diet will certainly lead to rapid weight loss due to starvation of the body. However, the weight is gained back once the diet is over.
None of these diets, can guarantee weight loss, or a transformation after a certain period of time. The best diet is to eat wholefoods, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, wholegrains, and seasonal produce.


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