5 Health Benefits of Rice Water for Infants in Traditional Weaning

Rice water is the starch and the other essential nutrients left behind in the water after boiling rice. Most infants, above 6 months of age, are often fed rice water before introducing them to semi-solid or mashed foods. This helps kids in weaning off the breast milk and start off on to a diet to help build their immune system and provide them nutrition for growth.

Apart from giving energy because of the presence of carbohydrates, rice water also helps control diarrhoea, fever, and eczema in babies. The idea is to source the best basmati rice for your kids to prepare rice water. In case this leaves you wondering which is the best basmati rice in India, then look no further than Daawat Basmati Rice.

Here are some of the nutritional and health benefits of rice water for babies:

Rice Water is Rich in Vitamins – A best basmati rice is rich in vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin B6 which are considered essential for development of the nervous system, vision, skin, digestive system in babies. It also helps convert food into energy and is quite easy on a baby’s tummy to digest being water soluble.

best basmati rice

Rice Water Cures Diarrhoea – Rice water proves extremely effective in treating diarrhoea in babies when given along with ORS (Oral Rehydration System). Rice water soothes and reduces bowel movements and help them solidify. Rice water possesses more calories and slowly releases carbohydrates in the intestines which helps babies recover from diarrhoea.

Rice Water Acts as Energy Booster – Any best basmati rice, like Daawat Basmati Rice, is rich in carbohydrates and when that rice is used to make rice water for babies, it proves to be a great source of energy for the hyperactive kids. Because rice releases carbohydrates slowly throughout the day, it keeps a baby’s energy levels kicking all day.

Rice Water Helps Bring Down Fever – Babies keep getting fever very commonly when they’re young and end up eating poorly. This is where rice water made of best basmati rice comes in handy as it is a great source of energy and nutrients. Apart from providing strength to the babies, it also helps bring down the fever making babies strong to fight the antibodies.

Rice Water Soothes Eczema in Babies – A baby’s skin is super sensitive in the first few months of life and is more prone to getting dry, scaly, itchy, and allergic. Several studies have shown that when kids are made to bath in water mixed with rice starch, it helps treating eczema or dry skin in babies. Shunning the creams and ointments, rice water works as a great nourisher and is also free of any side effects on baby’s soft skin.

Referral URL:  https://bestbrownbasmatirice.wordpress.com/2020/04/16/quick-and-delicious-dinner-recipes-to-cook-for-your-family-in-lockdown/


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